When we have knowledge and skills we survive, but when we share them, we thrive. This GNL Zamba Initiative promotes hip hop entrepreneurship using the five elements of the culture and bringings together a community of driven young minds. HipHop Atuyambe provides career skills and training In music & film production, creative writting , dee-jaying, painting, leadership and cloth design. Using the Baboon Forest umbrella to create a network of young professionals, the program recruits  from all around Uganda and empowers the disadvantaged with skills needed to be community leaders and change-agents. The each one teach one model of teaching "man how to fish rather than giving them a fish" is what we aim to achieve by the end of each one month program.

Ongoing Hip Hop Atuyambe Initiative activities include:

  • Artist development with mentorship (rappers, actors, creative writers, painters, designers)
  • Basic skills in film production (production, directing, PA, grip, cinematography, sound)
  • Computer and social media skills
  • Studio production
  • Skills in T-shirt & cap-making, printing and marketing
  • Artist / tour management training 
  • Leadership and public speaking workshops (school holiday program for Kawempe and masaka youth)

Contact us for more details.

Emittti emitto jejigumiza ekibira”

— Baganda proverb